This experiment was carried out to compare weed occurrence and to evaluate the field performance of some leguminous plant species under no-weeding fallow condition during summer months from middle of June to middle of August. In 2005 and 2006, the first dominant weed species was Digitaria sanguinalis, and other major weed species, such as Cyperus amuricus, Portulaca oleracea, and Amaranthus retroflexus, were similar among treatments. In both years, total shoot dry weight of weeds was the highest in the control plot, and the lowest in the cowpea plot, indicating that cowpea most effectively suppressed the growth of weeds among treatments. When the growth of four different leguminous species were compared after seeding during middle of June in 2006, cowpea and rice bean grew vigorously under no-weeding condition during hot and humid summer months, while wild soybean and hairy vetch did not. Shoot dry weight was in the order of cowpea > rice bean > wild soybean > hairy vetch. In conclusion, cowpea is a leguminous species which can be used as a green manure cover crop during summer months under no-weeding and our climate condition. Further works are needed to use cowpea as a green cover crop during summer months for various cropping systems.
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