초관높이와 도복저항성 차이가 있는 콩 두 품종의 교호재배가 광합성능력과 수량에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 초관의 높이는 황금콩 1열+태광콩 1열에서 가장 높았으며, 도복은 황금콩 1열+태광콩 1열 및 황금콩 1열+태광콩 2열에서 경감 효과가 가장 컸다. 2. 교호재배에서 정엽 및 제 9본엽의 광합성능력은 태광콩 열이 단일재배에 비하여 높았으며, 황금콩 정엽의 광합성능력은 낮았다. 3. 수량은 황금콩 1열+태광콩 1열이 황금콩 단일재배에 비하여 17%, 태광콩 단일재배에 비하여는 8% 증수되었다.
The purpose of this study was to determine proper method for alternative row culture of two varieties to increase seed yield in soybean. The test varieties Hwangkeumkong and Taekwangkong which were planted monoculture of each variety, seeding after mixing same number of seeds of two varieties, 1-row alternation, 2-row alternation, 2-row Hwangkeumkong and 1-row Taekwangkong and 1-row Hwangkeumkong and 2-row Taekwangkong. Alternative planting of 1-row Hwangkeumkong and 1-row Taekwangkong resulted the highest canopy height and reduced lodging most effectively. The terminal and the 9th leaves of Taekwangkong in alternative variety planting showed the higher photosynthetic ability than pure stand of that. Alternative planting of two varieties in every other row increased yield by 17% in Hwangkeumkong and by 8% in Taekwangkong.
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