최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Study on China-EU Relations from the Perspective of the French Institute of International Relations

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2021.4.2.45
  • 3

In 2019, the European Commission published its Strategic Outlook, which described China as a partner, economic competitor and systemic rival (European Commission, 2019). As Europe struggles with the survival crisis caused by the COVID- 19 epidemic, the complexity of its relationship with China is fully revealed. The year 2020 marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union, which was originally an important year for China-EU relations. Sudden epidemics disrupted the established diplomatic schedules of China and the EU, and many political, economic, trade and cultural cooperation agendas were temporarily postponed. At the same time, the original differences between the two sides are becoming more and more complicated with different understandings and responses to the epidemic situation. The epidemic poses a challenge to both sides’ ability to respond to public health emergencies, and at the same time, it also poses a major test to the political mutual trust between the two sides. How to promote the healthy development of China-EU relations has become a topic for scholars to think about. France is an important driving force for European integration and plays an important role in European affairs. France’s perception of China-EU relations influences the attitude towards the interaction between China and Europe, and think tank is an important way to understand a country’s policies. Therefore, we can learn about France’s interpretation of China-EU relations through the relevant reports of the French Institute of International Relations, the most famous think tank in France, and the strategic interests of Europe in France’s eyes will help us to promote the development of China-EU relations.

1. Development and Current Predicament of China-EU Relations

2. The Interpretation of the French Institute of International Relations

3. How to promote China-EU relations
