가정형 호스피스에서 사물인터넷 이용에 따른 의료 이용과 의료 비용 비교
Comparison of Medical Use and Cost between IoT Users and Non-Users according to the Use of IoT in Home-Based Hospice-Palliative Care
- 대한임상노인의학회
- 대한임상노인의학회지
- 대한임상노인의학회지 제22권 제2호
- 2021.12
- 93 - 103 (11 pages)
Background: Hospice-palliative care (HPC) aims to provide comprehensive comfort through impeccable assessment and the physical, psychological, socioeconomic, and spiritual care of terminally ill patients and their caregivers. This study aims to analyze the medical use and cost of home-based HPC according to the use of Internet of Things (IoT) service in. Methods: 89 terminal cancer patients enrolled in home-based HPC were included in this prospective study. Of these, 11 patients agreed to use IoT monitoring at home. Using the Mann-Whitney U test, we compared the medical usage and cost in HPC and palliative care units (PCUs) with the control group (IoT non-users). Results: The median age of IoT users and non-users was 77.0 and 69.5 years, respectively. Marital status, insurance type, and awareness of the terminal stage were not significantly different between IoT users and non-users. The percentage of caregivers living with patients was higher in IoT non-users in all participants and in patients who used both home-based HPC and a PCU than in IoT users. The duration of home-based HPC was longer in IoT users (53.0 days) than in IoT non-users (18.0 days). The median medical cost of home-based HPC was higher in IoT users than in non-users (2,005,000 vs 633,000 KRW). The length of stay in a PCU, total cost of a PCU, and total cost of HPC did not show a significant difference between IoT users and non-users. Conclusion: The use of IoT services in home-based HPC could help in the community care of terminal cancer patients without increasing overall medical costs.
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