최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

환경성질환과 환경유해인자의 연관성을 규명하기 위한 독성 연구 고찰

A Systematic Review of Toxicological Studies to Identify the Association between Environmental Diseases and Environmental Factors

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2021.47.6.505
  • 55

Background: The occurrence of environmental disease is known to be associated with chronic exposure to toxic chemicals, including waterborne contaminants, air/indoor pollutants, asbestos, ingredients in humidifier disinfectants, etc. Objectives: In this study, we reviewed toxicological studies related to environmental disease as defined by the Environmental Health Act in Korea and toxic chemicals. We also suggested a direction for future toxicological research necessary for the prevention and management of environmental disease. Methods: Trends in previous studies related to environmental disease were investigated through PubMed and Web of Science. A detailed review was provided on toxicological studies related to the humidifier disinfectants. We identified adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) that can be linked to the induction of environmental diseases, and proposed a chemical screening system that uses AOP, chemical toxicity big data, and deep learning models to select chemicals that induce environmental disease. Results: Research on chemical toxicity is increasing every year, but there is a limitation to revealing a clear causal relationship between exposure to chemicals and the occurrence of environmental disease. It is necessary to develop various exposure- and effect-biomarkers related to disease occurrence and to conduct toxicokinetic studies. A novel chemical screening system that uses AOP and chemical toxicity big data could be useful for selecting chemicals that cause environmental diseases. Conclusions: From a toxicological point of view, developing AOP related to environmental diseases and a deep learning-based chemical screening system will contribute to the prevention of environmental diseases in advance.

I. 서 론

II. 환경성질환에 관한 연구 추세

III. 가습기살균제로 인한 폐질환과 화학물질의 연관성 규명을 위한 독성학적 연구

IV. 환경성질환 예방관리를 위한 독성학적 연구의 방향

V. 결 론

Conflict of Interest

