최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

「아무도 모른다」(“Nobody Knows”)에 나타난 계급과 성

Class and Sex in “Nobody Knows”

DOI : 10.37902/kere.2021.6.2.263
  • 67

In the short story titled “Nobody Knows” concerning Louise Trunnion, few of the details are about her and Anderson changes direction by analyzing the character of George Willard instead. George is described as misinterpreting Louise s letter; he does not accurately understand the intentions of the grotesque approaching him, wants communication and understanding, and uses it for his own sexual desire. In the process of attempting a sexual adventure, he reveals his own limitations, such as a lack of self-confidence, a flood of meaningless words, a subsequent aggressive attitude toward Louise, and a lack of sympathy and consideration for her. In particular, he accepts the collective customs of Winesburg society about class and sex and interprets Louise too narrowly as merely a tool for his sexual desire. After the sexual adventure is over, he wants to confirm and satisfy his masculinity and aims to show it off to other males. Ultimately, he hopes to join the community again. However, George s aggressive actions frustrate Louise even further, especially as she is a woman who has been alienated from the Winesburg community already. Therefore, Anderson reveals the customs of Winesburg society and the plight of women suffering from it through the female character Louise, and emphasizes the change in perception and necessity of women in a male-centered society.

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Ⅱ. 계급과 성

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