Social Media: a light shining into the field of design service
- 한국서비스디자인학회
- 서비스디자인융합연구
- 제5권 제1호
- 2021.02
- 25 - 32 (8 pages)
More and more companies are beginning to notice the importance of social media in cementing consumer stickiness and expanding the influence of their brands. Design is playing an important role in this huge shift from traditional to digital media, but many companies are not aware of the game changer that is about to lead to a change in business production models, especially the status of designers, creating new problems in the future for companies that fail to adapt to this change in time. With the fourth industrial revolution enabling low-cost personalization and the growing desire for individual expression, the ecosystem for designers to co-create products with consumers has begun to develop, and social media provides an important platform for the construction of this ecosystem. In this article, we focused on the problems that Chinese designers face in their existence, the reasons for these problems, and the future changes in the production model of products, proposing a new model of production on social media platforms and how this model will have a huge impact on the design field, which is an important field of research for future design services.
1. Introduction
2. Company and social media
3. Current problems and opportunities in China’s design industry
4. Design a new model in the field of service
5. The new pattern of future design services