한국판 아동 청소년 행동평가척도 6-18을 기반으로 한 조증 척도 (CBCL-MS)의 요인구조
Factor Structure of 6-18 Mania Scale(CBCL-MS) for children
- 충북대학교 생활과학연구소
- 생활과학연구논총
- 생활과학연구논총 제25권 제3호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.12
- 105 - 117 (13 pages)
In this study, we examined the factor structure of the Child Behavior Checklist-Mania Scale (CBCL-MS) for children. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed on two previous model studies to determine which factor structure was most appropriate for the CBCL-MS. This study analyzed the data from the 10th year of the Korean Children Panel Study, which included 1,420 children. The K-CBCL 6-18 was employed as the research instrument.The new scale, the CBCL-MS, is derived from the CBCL and comprises of 19 CBCL questions that correlate directly with criteria for mania and bipolar disorder. CBCL-MS consists of four factors. The results of this study provided further support the CBCL-MS for children and confirmed the CBCL-MS’s most appropriate factor structure in a sample of Korean children’s population.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 논의
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언