대통령의 졸업식 축사에 나타난 언어적 특징 연구
A Study on the Linguistic Characteristics of the President s Congratulatory Speech for Graduation: Focused on the Comparison of Graduation Congratulations of Private Universities and Military Academies
The president s graduation congratulations are not just congratulations, requests, and wishes to the graduates. Those speeches refer a lot to the president s political philosophy and the government s policy stance. Accordingly, this paper compares and analyze the structural and linguistic characteristics of each of the congratulatory speeches the president gave at the graduation ceremony of public and private universities and military academies. First of all, the speech at the public and private universities was freely and variously organized without any formal form, while that of the military academies showed consistent organization. In addition, the two types of congratulatory speeches were compared from three perspectives: topic selection, recognition of relationship with audience, and expression of speech content. In the future, I think more interesting sociolinguistic research results can be obtained if the president s graduation speech is compared with other types of presidential speeches.
1. 머리말
2. 일반대학교와 사관학교 졸업식 축사의 구조적 특성
3. 일반대학교와 사관학교 졸업식 축사의 언어적 특징 비교
4. 맺음말