최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 전문용어 연구의 확장 가능성

Extensibility of Korean Terminology Research: A Study of the H istory and Application of Quebecois Socioterminology Research

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2021.29.4.02
  • 75

This study investigates the possibility of broadening Korean terminology research by examining Quebecois terminology research under the “Quebecois School,” which shows unique academic characteristics. Specifically, under the argument that Quebecois terminology qualifies as socioterminology, three areas that can be referenced in future Korean terminology research were analyzed: terminotics, ad hoc terminology, and terminometry. Accordingly, this study presents three tasks for future Korean terminology research: integration of neighborhood studies, user-centered study, and follow-up study on terminology development. Since 1998, Korean terminology has developed both in theory and practice. However, in order to further elevate the current terminology, active academic exchanges at the world level are required. The present study is in line with this goal, and it is expected that various efforts to develop terminology research will eventually lead to “Korean School” with original characteristics.

1. 서론

2. 퀘벡의 전문용어 연구

3. 결론

