A Study on Coaching Program for Leadership Development of University Students in the DISASTER Era
- International Journal of Human & Disaster
- vol.6 no.4
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.12
- 27 - 36 (10 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of university coaching education for the development and operation of coaching education for university students. In particular, this study aims to focus on coaching education of Howon University students who aim to cultivate global leaders and also lead the world by producing professional manpower to lead the era of the fourth revolution and disaster. To this end, it aims to analyze the core competencies of ICF coaching and coaching education competencies for Howon University students. Method: This study conducted in-depth consultations with coaching experts, and the aspects of the talent education prizes that Howon University aims for and the core coaching competencies presented by ICF and KCA were analyzed. And then this research proposes coaching education program for Howon University students. Results: According to previous studies on the operation of university coaching programs from 2010 to the present, coaching programs have improved students practical ability to search for career or prepare for employment. In addition, the coaching leadership program for ICF core competencies and Howon University students was designed considering the psychological tranquility such as self-understanding, possibility discovery, confidence recovery, and other factors that show higher recognition of interpersonal relations. Conclusion: This study designed coaching education program for leadership development based on data on in-depth interview such as consultations and coaching core competencies and Howon University educational philosophy. As a result of analyzing the contents of the consultation of five professional coaches of the Korea Coach Association and the International Coaching Federation, the core competencies of coaching and the educational ideology of Howon University, so the contents of the coaching leadership education program were composed of one semester(32hours) in total with 3 parts. First, coaching ethics and coaching mindset are three for coaching mindset, and second, coaching skill practice is to communicate effectively as a global leader. Third, the program could be organized by becoming a coach-type leader for learning and growth.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Research Method
4. Results and Conclusion
5. References