최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Poomsae Players’ Perception and Improvement of TAEKWONDO Freestyle Poomsae Competition

DOI : 10.22471/martialarts.2021.6.4.33
  • 48

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of the Poomsae competition among the athletes participating in the Free style Poomsae competition and explore future-oriented improvement measures based on this. Method: Accordingly examine the researchers collected data from the subjects through in-depth inter-views, which is a qualitative research method, to achieve the purpose of the research. This led to a com-prehensive conclusion. Results: First, the players said that the Free style Poomsae competition was important for the colorful and difficult acrobatic and technical kicks, which are different from the existing Poomsae. Secondly, the poor scoring of kicks required by the current the Free style Poomsae scoring system is causing difficulties for many players, as they are judged by the judge s subjective judgment on the field. Third, unlike author-ized Poomsae because the frame is not set, the Free style Poomsae perform various techniques within the time limit. Fourth, he mentioned that the current international sports Poomsae competition has different directions, and that athletes are practicing skills with a lot of emphasis on acrobatic rather than preparing for two things. Fifth, for the revitalization of the freestyle Poomsae, the competition was the biggest. Conclusion: By lowering the barriers of scoring technology, the participation rate should be increased by creating the Free style Poomsae stadium culture where players of all ages can easily participate. If you can produce and participate in the competition by utilizing the spirit and traditional movements of Taekwondo, not by kicking, acrobatic, or gymnastic skills, it will greatly affect the participation rate of Poomsae competition.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Results and Discussions

4. Conclusion and Suggestions

5. References
