Debate on the Correlation Between TERRORISM and Religion: Focusing on Salafi Jihadist
- International Journal of Military Affairs
- vol.6 no.4
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.12
- 44 - 52 (9 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is, first, to organize the debate on the reductionism of the concept of limit-ing terrorism to non-state organizations. Second, we analyze the characteristics of culturally motivated terrorism. Third, we study the discourse on the ideological fiction and violence of Islam s Salafism. Method: In the concept of terrorism by institutions or scholars studying terrorism, they point out errors limit-ing the actors to non-state organizations, explain religious terrorism and political and social contexts, and try literature research on logic and strategies that justify terrorism by interpreting Salafism as aggressive content. Results: The reason why the actors who commit terrorism are limited to non-state organizations is because they are limited to the interests of specific countries or organizations. Historical examples of attempts at terror-ism by the state are sufficiently accumulated in other studies. The reason for the occurrence of religious terrorism is not simply to realize a society where religious ideology is realized, but social discrimination and contradictions combine with religious ideology, resulting in terrorism. From this point of view, Salafist terrorism can also be interpreted. Conclusion: Since the late 20th century, numerous terrorism has occurred mainly in Islamic society. Domestic and international disputes and system instability can provide an excuse for attacks on dissatisfied forces at any time, and incidents in which an unspecified number of people are attacked by groups armed with the name of religion will not be cut off. As so far, political oppression and military response alone are difficult to solve, so high-level complex strategies such as social reform and growth of anti-terrorism groups must be sought.
1. Introduction
2. General Debate over the Terrorism Actor
3. Religious Motivated Contemporary Terrorism
4. Salafism, a Variant of Wahhabism
5. Conclusion
6. References