최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Korean Peninsula and General Lee Soon-Shin s SECURITY and Military Strategy in the 21st Century

DOI : 10.22471/terrorism.2021.6.4.01
  • 9

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the situation of the Korean peninsula in the 21st century and the military strategy of the security of General Lee Soon Shin. North Korea condemns the behavior of interconti-nental ballistic missiles(ICBM)-class ballistic missiles and the launch of medium- and long-range ballistic mis-siles(IRBMs) that passed over Japan in 2017, but the Korean government has no countermeasures. Rather than relying on the United States, we need self-diagnosis and have measures. Method: The study investigated, analyzed, and discussed historical papers, reports, books, ancient documents, and Internet data related to the scope of the study. This study aims to conduct specific research questions related to the situation of the Korean peninsula in the 21st century and the military strategy of General Lee Soon Shin. Results: Then, we should use the lesson as an indicator of the military defense posture and the business spirit. But the Republic of Korea is focused on the US military!, It is time to examine in many ways whether we are self-sustaining military preparedness and whether the people are also aware of the security consciousness of defense posture. This means that the North Korean regime cannot do the Armed Provocation and the Korean Peninsula can achieve peaceful reunification only if various processes of its defense posture are prepared. First of all, it is necessary to improve the military system and achieve the independent unification policy on the Korean peninsula in the national security through the business spirit. Conclusion: In conclusion, the military strategy of the 21st century Korean Peninsula and the security of Gen-eral Lee Soon Shin should be used to teach the past Chungmugong Lee Soon-Shin business spirit and the security of the natio. Furthermore, when North Korea s armed provocations have a strong military power of Ubimuhwan and prepares measures for various unification policies, the independent peaceful unification of the Korean pen-insula will come soon.

1. Introduction

2. The Situation of the Korean Peninsula and the Situation of the World Power

3. Security Strategy and Inter-Korean Nuclear Armed Forces and the Deployment of THAAD by General Lee Soon-Shin

4. General Lee Soon-Shin s Business Spirit and National Defense Posture and Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula

5. Conclusion

6. References
