최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Risk Recognition and PROTECTION of Semi-Permanent Makeup in Female Students

DOI : 10.22471/protective.2021.6.4.58
  • 74

Purpose: Since ancient times, the culture of putting on wounds or paints on the body like a tattoo has been carried on until now. In modern times, the interest, popularity, and market potential of semi-permanent makeup are increasing because it gives confidence and convenience as if wearing makeup. However, continuous research on safety is necessary because the risk factors for semi-permanent makeup are perceived in various aspects such as design, safety of ingredients, belief, worry, pain, and sanitary environment. Method: The researcher used the questionnaire method to construct questionnaire items with reference to previous studies. The questionnaire was constructed using a 5-point Likert scale and checklist. The questionnaire consisted of questions about demographic variables, the status of semi-permanent makeup, and risk perception factors. The subjects of this study were set as middle and high school girls and female university students from all over the country. The results were derived using frequency analysis. Results: The risk perception factors of semi-permanent makeup were design, eyebrow color, skin trouble, pain, and product and tool safety. However, there was an opinion(48.6%) that semi-permanent makeup should be performed by a beautician who is good at designing rather than a medical person. 46.4% answered that semi-permanent makeup is a type of makeup. However, as to the reasons for thinking that semi-permanent makeup should be regulated by the medical law, the highest responses were because it is more hygienic and the risk of infection is lower if it is done in a hospital and the difference in trustworthiness was the highest, and anesthetic cream was ranked next. Conclusion: According to the results of the study on risk perception and protection for semi-permanent makeup, it is recommended that a beautician with design and technology perform the procedure, but in terms of hygiene, infection, trust, and use of anesthetic cream, it should be regulated by the Medical Act. It is presumed to think that Therefore, as in the case of other countries, beauticians are allowed to perform semi-permanent makeup, but thorough education and management on semi-permanent makeup procedures, hygiene management, and safe use of products and tools are required.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Research Results

4. Conclusion

5. References
