The Mediating Effect of Reliability and the Regulated Mediating Effect of Human Service in the Relationship of the Intention of Customer Behavior Under the REGULATIONS of Medical Skincare s Servicescapes
- Regulations (구 International Journal of Police and Policing)
- vol.6 no.4
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.12
- 36 - 46 (11 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present the basic data for scalability for the provisions of the physical service environment for medical skincare by studying what influence the human service causes in between the servicescapes and reliability while analyzing the mediating effect of reliability between the servicescapes of medical skincare and the intention of customer behavior. Method: In this study, the statistical analysis was performed by using the SPSS 25.0 and PROCESS macro for SPSS program as an empirical analysis method for 511 copies for 17 cities and provinces nationwide based on an online survey method targeting men and women in their 20s through 50s, and in order to validate the regulatory effect of human service in the relationship between servicescapes and intention of the customer behavior, multi mediated effect analysis and the PROCESS macro model 7 were used to validate the significance of the mediating effect based the Sobel-test. Results: In terms of the results of this study, first, regarding the existence of the mediating effect of reliability in terms of the relationship between the servicescapes and the intention of customer behavior, stability(β=.294, p<.001), surrounding environment(β=.183, p<. 001) and functionality(β=.179, p<.001) have caused a positive effect, while the reliability has caused a significant effect on the intention of customer behavior. Second, when the effect of servicescapes on the customer behavior via reliability would be enhanced by the human service, servicescapes and human service have caused a significant positive effect on the reliability, while the interactive effect of the servicescapes X human service was not significant. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that the physical improvement of servicescapes in terms of the medical skincare is a major factor for increasing the customer satisfaction and the intention to revisit, and since the customers reliability perceived by the customers towards the hospital and the staffs’ human service can also increase the intention to revisit, it is considered that stability, environment, and functionality in terms of servicescapes should not be neglected for the customer attraction and profitability related performance.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Research Method
4. Research Results
5. Conclusion
6. References