알무슈타라크 알라프지의 동음이의어 유형 연구
A study on Homonymy types of al-Mushutarak al-Lafẓī- focusing on Quranic Vocabulary
- 한국아랍어아랍문학회
- 아랍어와 아랍문학
- 25집 3호
- : KCI등재
- 2021.12
- 135 - 160 (26 pages)
This paper aims to classify the homonyms and provide relevant examples of al-Mushutarak al-Lafẓī with an emphasis on the Quranic vocabulary. The homonym classifications, the causes of their occurrence, and the entry method of headwords in the dictionary were initially examined. Among the definitions and lexico-semantic explanations of al-Mushutarak al-Lafẓī, the homonymic contents were examined thereafter. Lastly, the homonym types of al-Mushutarak al-Lafẓī were classified into eight subtypes with relevant examples. The subtypes were classified based on the meaning of the headwords included in the dictionary, along with the form, pronunciation, and grammatical function of the words. As there are no clear criteria for classifying parts of speech between homonyms, the concept of al-Jinās al-Tām was also applied in setting the criteria.
I. 서론
II. 동음이의어와 알무슈타라크 알라프지
III. 알무슈타라크 알라프지의 동음이의어 유형
IV. 결론