최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

공공자전거 임대내역 데이터를 활용한 마이크로 모빌리티 패턴분석 연구

A Study on Micro-Mobility Pattern Analysis using Public Bicycle Rental History Data

DOI : 10.9716/KITS.2021.20.6.083
  • 75

n this study, various usage patterns were analyzed after establishing a data mart for micro mobility analysis based on the rental history of public bicycles in Seoul. Rental history data is origin-destination data that includes the rental location and time, and the return location and time. About 1500 rental locations were classified according to the characteristics of the location to create a ‘station type’ dimension. We also created a ‘path type’ dimension that displays whether the rental location and return location are the same. In addition, a derived variable called speed, which is obtained by dividing the distance used by the time used, is added, and through this, the characteristics of the riding area and the reason for the rental can be estimated. Meanwhile, administrative district link, administrative neighborhood link, and station type link were created to apply network analysis. Through this analysis, the roles and proportions of administrative districts, public facilities, and private facilities engaged in micro-mobility services were visualized. 49.9% of rentals occur at rental offices near transportation facilities, and half of them occur at rental offices near subway stations. The number of rentals during the evening rush hour is more than double that of the morning rush hour. When the path type is unidirectional, there is a fixed destination, so the distance and time used are short, and the movement speed tends to be high. In the case of round-trip, the purpose of use is exercise or leisure, so the distance and time used are long, and the movement speed is slow. It is expected that the results of the analysis can be used as reference materials for selecting new rental locations, providing convenient services for users, and developing user-specialized products.

1. 서 론

2. 공공자전거에 관한 선행연구

3. 연구 데이터와 방법

4. 연구 결과

5. 결 론

