최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국가빅데이터 분석을 통한 2018년도 가금티푸스 발생현상에 대한 원인분석 연구

A Study on the Analysis of the Cause of the Suddenly Increasing Fowl Typhoid Outbreak in 2018 Based on the Big Data from the APQA

DOI : 10.29279/jitr.2021.26.4.5
  • 73

This study aimed to identify the cause of the sudden increase in fowl typhoid (FT) in 2018 based on the big data from the KAHIS of the Animal and plant quarantine agency (APQA). This study hypothesized that the sudden increase in FT in 2018 was directly related to the media-coveredincidents of the pesticide-tainted eggs in 2017. Based on five-year analysis results using the big data, maximum cases of FT (30.9%) were detected in the year (2018) immediately following the incidents of the pesticide-tainted eggs in 2017. Therefore, the major cause of the sudden increase in FT in 2018 was clearly related to the prohibition of the illegal use of pesticides in the poultry farms for eradication of red mites after August, 2017. Based on the analysis of the big data provided by the KAHIS, maximum cases were detected in the Jeon-buk region (46.3%), followed by the cases in the Jeon-nam region (22.3%). Based on the analysis of chicken breeds, the broiler breed was detected to be the most prevalent breed (41.7%), followed by the traditional breed (24.6%) and layer chicken (16.6 %). Above all, the serious problem was that 8 cases were also identified in the breeding chicken breeds during the five years (2016-2021). Because FT and pullorum disease (PD) are the common transovarian diseases among the most chicken breeds, the breeding chicken farms require to prove themselves free of FT and PD according to the Livestock infectious disease Act. The seasonal changing pattern showed a curve with two peaks in June (28 cases) and October (24 cases). Therefore, this study revealed that the sudden FT outbreak in 2018 was clearly related to the prohibition of pesticides being used in the poultry farms for eradication of red mites after the media-covered incidents of the pesticide-tainted eggs in 2017.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법

Ⅲ. 실험 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 결론

