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KCI등재 학술저널

이상의 시 「가외가전」의 글쓰기 기법과 전문 해석

Writing Techniques and Whole Interpretation of Yi Sang’s Poetry “Gawoigajeon(街外街傳)”

  • 167

시인 이상이 구인회의 일원으로서 발표했던 연제 ‘시와 형태’에 주목한 후, 1936년 3월 구인회 창간잡지 󰡔시와 소설󰡕의 창간호(그 후 폐간되었음)에 발표되었던 그의 시 「가외가전」의 전문을 해석하기 위하여 먼저 2절에서 「가외가전」의 시행을 분류([표 1])해 놓고, 3절에서는 「가외가전」에 나타난 글쓰기 기법을 첫 단편 소설인 「지도의 암실」에 기사용했던 기법과 비교하여 살펴보았다. 그리고 4절에서는 소설 「날개」의 이미지와 비교 분석했으며, 5절에는 같은 해에 앞서 발표했던 「지비―어디갓는지모르는안해―」의 이미지와 비교분석도 시도했다. 더욱, 이상의 시에 나타난 창녀의 이미지를 살펴본 후 마지막 6절에서 「가외가전」의 전문 해석을 시도했다.

In the 2019(Yi Sang Review No. 15), as my previous research on the title poetry and form lectured in the ‘Guinhoe(The Circle of Nine, 九人會)’ by the poet Yi Sang, I studied the fractal phenomenon of mathematics, and the Mobius strip hidden in his whole poetry. and I also searched for an arrangement structure to write poetry in the same form . However, another ‘form’ type writing techniques are observed in the poem “Gawoigajeon(街外街傳)”. The last letter of the poem is marked with a long hyphen ( - ) 17 times as a rhythmic effect, a ‘form’ joining the “flowing” with its dialect speaking. In particular, there is a morphological writing that indicates indicative or vertical symmetry. In order to easily capture the overall image of this poem, I also attempted a comparative analysis with the image of the novel Wings(날개) and the image of the poem 紙碑―어디갓는지모르는안해― , which is presumed to have been written before this poem. Above all, while attempting a professional interpretation of this poem, the poet Yi Sang, as the narrator behind this poem, stands on the overpass and spies on the alleys of “Yugwak(遊廓)”, that is, the scenery image of Gawoiga(街外街) , and suddenly his heart enters a certain room . Although he was obsessed with the urge to burn the “Yugwak(遊廓)” with the cigarette he was smoking, he finally burned the Yugwak(遊廓), but still baby angels representing the “bird of decoration(勳章用鳥類)” in the seventh line of the sixth paragraph have grown up and passed down through generations as “false angels” like their mothers. It reminds us of the repetitive cycle of karma.

1. 서론

2. 「가외가전」의 시행분류

3. 「가외가전」의 글쓰기 기법

4. 소설「날개」의 이미지와 비교분석

5. 「지비-어디갓는지모르는안해-」의 이미지와 비교분석

6. 「가외가전」의 전문 해석

7. 결론
