Analysis of Morphological Characteristics and Variation in Five Populations of Zabelia tyaihyonii in South Korea
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제24권 제6호
- 2021.12
- 619 - 628 (10 pages)
Background and objective: Native to the limestone zones of the Korean Peninsula, Zabelia tyaihyonii is a popular plant for landscaping. As it is now classified as a rare species, the conservation of its genetic resources is necessary. Methods: In this study, which aimed to understand the morphological variation of Z. tyaihyonii, 18 characteristics of Z. tyaihyonii from five habitats were examined. Results: Of these 18 characteristics, 16 characteristics showed significant differences among sites, and the coefficient of variation ranged from 5.4% (for corolla lobe number) to 31.3% (for flower number). Notable variations were observed in the size of flower and calyx lobe. When the corolla length and calyx lobe length were used as the classification key of Z. tyaihyonii, the sites were divided into those with small, intermediate, and large values. Hair was observed on the filament of all samples, a finding which conflicts with an earlier report. Rather than classifying Z. tyaihyonii into different species on the basis of corolla length (COL) and calyx lobe length (CALL) values, we recommend modifying the species description to incorporate the variation in these characteristics of interest. Principal component analysis results showed that the first main component was highly correlated with the traits related to the size of the calyx lobe (length: 0.819, width: 0.758), and the second main component was highly correlated with the traits related with the size of the inflorescence (length: 0.790, width: 0.626). Conclusion: Several notable variations were identified among the characteristics related to inflorescence and calyx lobe. There is little genetic exchange among groups, or each group is influenced by micro environmental factors, because sites that are located nearby. In addition, the difference between COL and CALL, which is used as the classification key for Z. tyaihyonii, was divided into small group, large group, and intermediate group, regardless of the sites’ geographical distance.
Research Methods
Results and Discussion