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KCI등재 학술저널

초등학생 탄산음료 섭취와 행동특성과의 관련성

The Relationship between Carbonated Drink Intake and Behavioral Characteristics of Elementary School Students: -Focused on the 11th Panel Study on Korean Children-

DOI : 10.21483/qwoaud.54..202112.141
  • 19

본 연구는 2018년 제11차 한국아동패널 데이터(PSKC)를 활용하여 초등학생의 탄산음료 섭취빈도와 아동의 긍정적·부정적 행동특성과 식생활평가의 관련성을 확인하였다. 분석대상은 초등학교 4학년 1,434명으로 남학생이 704명(49.1%), 여학생이 730명(50.9%)이었다. 탄산음료 섭취빈도(미음용, 주1~2회, 주3회 이상)에 따른 긍정적 행동특성의 평균 차이를 비교한 결과, 신뢰(F=6.53, p=.002), 의사소통(F=4.39, p=.013), 학교생활적응(F=3.21, p=.041), 학교수업적응 (F=5.88, p=.003), 교사와 적응(F=3.29, p=.038), 행복감(F=3.06, p=.047), 공동체의식(F=6.58, p=.001)에서 미음용 집단과 그렇지 않은 집단 간에 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 아동의 부정적 행동특성에서는 학업 스트레스(F=4.89, p=.008), 친구와의 싸움빈도 (F=10.60, p<.001), 과잉행동(F=5.51, p=.004)에서 섭취빈도 집단 간에 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 식생활 특성에서는 어머니가 진단한 아동 식생활평가(F=28.52, p<.001), 1주 동안 인스턴트 섭취 빈도 (F=91.05, p<.001)에서 탄산음료 섭취빈도에 따라 통계적으로 유의한 평균의 차이를 보였다. 연구결과를 통해, 아동의 건강한 양육을 위한 자기관리프로그램의 필요성과 가정, 학교, 지역사회의 협력적인 노력을 위한 방안을 제시하였다.

This study used the 11th Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC) in 2018 to confirm the relationship between the frequency of carbonated drink intake by elementary school students and their positive, negative behavioral characteristics and dietary evaluation. The subjects of analysis were 1,434 students in the fourth grade of elementary school, with 704 male students (49.1%) and 730 female students (50.9%) by gender. As a result of comparing positive behavioral characteristics according to the frequency of carbonated drink intake (non-drinking/ 1-2 times a week/ 3 or more times a week), trust (F=6.53, p=.002), communication (F=4.39, p=.013), school life adaptation (F=3.21, p=.041), school class adaptation (F=5.88, p=.003), adaptation with the teacher (F=3.29, p=.038), happiness (F=3.06, p=.047) and sense of community (F=6.58, p=.001) showed statistically significant differences between non-drinking group and drinking group. In the negative behavioral characteristics of children, academic stress (F=4.89, p=.008), fights with friends (F=10.60, p<.001), and hyperactivity (F=5.51, p=.004) were statistically significant between the intake frequency groups. In terms of dietary evaluation, children’s eating habits diagnosed by the mother (F=28.52, p<.001) and the frequency of instant food consumption for one week (F=91.05, p<.001) showed statistically significant differences according to the frequency of carbonated drink intake. Based on the research results, this study proposed the necessity of self-management dietary programs for the healthy upbringing of children and a plan for cooperative efforts of families, schools, and local communities.

Ⅰ. 연구의 필요성

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언

