Effect of microneedle radiofrequency on scars of transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty
- 대한미용의학회
- Journal of Cosmetic Medicine
- Vol.5, No.2
- 2021.12
- 99 - 102 (4 pages)
Despite the popularity of transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty (TLB) for the correction of the aged lower lids, ectropion, scar long the incision line, persistent skin laxity with fine wrinkles remain to be a huge setback associated with the procedure. With the advance of recent technologies, scar treatment methods using various kinds of devices have been widely adopted. Among them, fractional microneedle radiofrequency (FMR) has been proven to be highly effective on the improvement of acne scars, widened pores, and skin laxity by means of soft tissue regeneration. A fractional microneedle device called the InusTM developed in Korea exhibits unique properties of delivering bipolar radiofrequency current through specialized vacuum edge line for optimal needle insertion into highly sensitive areas such as the eyelid and the neck. Usage of the InusTM to treat patients experiencing complications from TLB have shown remarkable improvement in various aspects not only limited to the improved appearance of ectropion, scars, wrinkles, skin thickness and laxity, but also the contour of the eyelid and the overall facial volume, and shape. The report will delineate findings from three clinical cases that suggest the efficacy and safety of FMR on the rejuvenation of the lower lids.
Case report
Supplementary materials
Conflicts of interest