최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

北宋末에서 南宋初 李唐 山水畵 畵境의 變化 연구

A Research on Li Tang s Transformations in Landscape Painting Conception in late Northern Song and early Southern Song Dynasty

DOI : 10.46823/cahs.2021.54.251
  • 97

李唐(약1066-약1150)은 단절될 수 있었던 北宋代 徽宗의 宣和畵院과 南 宋代 高宗의 紹興畵院의 회화적 맥락을 계승하고 혁신한 畵院畫家이다. 그는 花鳥, 人物, 山水 등 다양한 畫科를 다루는 기량이 뛰어났고, 특히 山 水畵에서 그가 이룬 특유의 구도와 筆墨法의 ‘變化’는 본질적이며 복합적 이며 상징적 의미가 있다. 宣和畵院에서 李唐의 畫境은 사실적인 묘사와 함께 웅장하고 강건하며 全景구도의 산수 배치가 돋보인다. 반면에 南宋代 그의 畫境은 강남의 풍치를 담으면서도 강경하고 세련된 필치의 산수화로 변화하였다. 臨安은 南宋의 임시수도였고, 李唐에게 臨安은 영원함을 잃은 일시적인 공간이자불안한 시대적 장소였다. 畵院畫家로서 李唐의 畵境에 담긴 敍事性은 주관적 정취를 넘어서 소명을 담은 의지의 표현이었고, 황제의 정통성을 증거하며, 文人들보다 더 폭넓은 관심사를 체험한 사회구성원들에 대한 삶의 애환이기도 했다. 이상 본고에서 살펴본 李唐의 산수화 畫境 變化는 北宋 徽宗의 畵院에서 섬세하고 사실적이면서도 ‘藏意’를 표현하던 畵境에서, 南宋 高宗 紹興 畵院에 이르러서는 자연·정치·문화적 환경의 변화 속에서 畫意의 심리적표출을 강조하고 敍事的이고 象徵性 강한 繪畵言語를 운용하는 複合的 山 水畵 畫境으로 나타났다.

Li Tang(李唐) was a court painter who inherited and innovated the pictorial contexts of Huizong’s Xuanhe Era court(宣和畵院) in the Northern Song dynasty and Gaozong’s Shaoxing Era court(紹興畵院) in the Southern dynasty, which could have been cut off. He was excellent at handling with various characters such as flowers, birds, animals, and people, and especially ‘the changes’ in his unique composition and pen and ink methods of his landscape paintings, which have essential and complex meanings. In the Northern Song dynasty, his Painting conceptions were majestic and strong, and the landscaping of the entire composition was outstanding. On the other hand, his paintings of the Southern Song dynasty contained the scenery of Gangnam, but had changed to landscape paintings with strong and refined brushstrokes. Lin an(臨安) was the temporary capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, and for him Lin an was a temporary space that lost its eternity and a place of unsettling times. As a court painter, the epic lyricism contained in Li Tang s painting was an expression of will beyond the subjective mood, and it was also the sorrow of life for the members of society who experienced a wider range of interests than literati. Li Tang s Painting Conception in the Song dynasty was a visualized space by fusing the overall environment of nature, politics, and culture surrounding him and the unique sentiment of the times.

Ⅰ. 序: 畵院畫家 李唐

Ⅱ. 徽宗의 宣和畵院과 高宗의 紹興畵院

Ⅲ. 李唐 山水畵의 變化

Ⅳ. 結: 李唐의 예술적 성취
