“Grassroots literature” is different from “elite literature” and “popular literature”. The main bodies of elite literature and popular literature are intellectual elites or professional writers, while “grassroot literature” mainly refers to the works created by amateur writers out of hobbies. In addition to this meaning, the “grassroots” writing of Chinese in Quebec also emphasizes the process of reflecting things, expressing thoughts and feelings, conveying knowledge and information, and realizing communication through description. The collection of works studied in this article is a collection of novels published by the Quebec Chinese Writers Association in Quebec. It can be found that the intended readers of these two works are Chinese living in Canada. There are imaginations of each other in the works, and they have a strong local presence. Therefore, their attitude towards life is assimilated and actively involved in local life. This kind of local awareness is not to get the mainstream society s identification with oneself, but to love Canada from the heart.
1. 魁北克华人的“草根”写作
2. 互为想象的他者
3. 落地生根的在地意识
4. 由融入到投入所居国生活
5. 魁北克华人“草根”写作的意义