본 논문에서는 上古漢語(AC)와 알타이제어 간의 비교음운학적 연구방법론을 이용하여 한국어 ‘바다(海)’의 어원을 밝혀 보고자 했다. 『說文解字』의 ‘孛聲’系字 분석을 통해 “餑·孛·悖·馞·㴾·浡·勃·㪍·郣·渤 [*PVT]/{旺盛} 同源語群”을 재구했고, 알타이제어의 어휘 비교를 통해 공통알타이어祖語 [*büdV](두꺼운, 굵은)에서 파생되는 “[*PVTV-]/{膨脹·厚·肥大} 알타이諸語 同源語群”을 재구해냈다. 최종적으로 ‘孛聲’계 “餑·孛·悖·馞·㴾·浡·勃·㪍·郣·渤 [*PVT]/{旺盛}동원어군”과 “[*PVTV-]/{膨脹·厚·肥大} 알타이제어 동원어군”을 통합하여 廣義의 “[*PVT-]/{旺盛·肥大} 漢-알타이 동원어군”을 재구해냈다. 한국어 ‘바ᄃᆞᆯ(」바다)(海)’은 어근이 [pat-](받)이며 중심의미가 “넓고 旺盛하며 큰(大)” “받[厚大·旺盛]+ᄋᆞᆯ”의 형태로 분석되며, 이 말은 “[*PVTV-]/{膨脹·厚·肥大} 알타이제어 동원어군”에 속하며, 궁극적으로 “[*PVT-]/{旺盛·肥大} 漢-알타이동원어군”에 통합된다.
This paper mainly presents readers the author’s comparative study on the etymology of the Korean word 바다(PADA) (sea) or 海 (sea) in Chinese by using a comparative phonological research methodology between Archaic Chinese(AC) and Altaic languages. The paper, through systematic analysis of the phonetic radicals 孛 in 『SHUO WEN JIE ZI』, the paper reconstructs “餑·孛·悖·馞·㴾·浡·勃·㪍·郣·渤[*PVT]/{vigorous} cognate words” and “郣·勃·㪍·渤·浡[*bɯɯd]/<BO-HAI(渤海)> cognate words”. Furthermore, this paper reconstructs “Altaic [*PVTV-]/{expansion·thick·fat} cognate words” based on numerous individual Altaic vocabularies derived from common proto-Altaic [*büdV](thick·thick) through the comparison of Altaic language vocabularies. Ancient Turkish [*bädü-k](big·high·thick·great), ancient Mongolian [*büdü-ɣün] (thick), ancient Korean [*pɨt-](expansion), and the Korean word 바ᄃᆞᆯ(PADʌL)(」바다(PADA))(sea) with its root as 받(PAT)[thick·vigorous] all fall into the “Altaic [*PVTV-]/{expansion·thick·fat} cognate words”. And finally, this paper combines the Chinese ‘孛 phonetic radicals’ “餑·孛·悖·馞·㴾·浡·勃·㪍·郣·渤[*PVT]/{vigorous} cognate words” and “Altaic language [*PVTV-]/{expansion·thick·fat} cognate words”, and reconstructs “Chinese–Altaic [*PVT-]/{vigorous·fat} cognate words”. The root of Korean 바ᄃᆞᆯ(PADʌL)(」바다(PADA))(sea) is 받(PAT) with its meanings as “spacious, vigorous, and big”, which can be analyzed in the form of ‘PAT[fat/vigorous]+ʌL’. It implies that it belongs to the “Altaic language [*PVTV-]/{expansion·thick·fat} cognate words”, and can be ultimately combined with “Sino-Altaic [*PVT-]/{vigorous·fat} cognate words”
1. 緖論
2. ‘바다’에 관한 선행연구
3. ‘孛聲’系字 同源語群 재구로 본 ‘渤’과 ‘바다(海)’
4. “漢-알타이 同源語” 재구로 본 ‘바다(海)’
5. 結論