최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

‘-더-’와 ‘来着’의 상적 특징과 양태성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Aspectuality and Modality of ‘-더-’ and ‘来着’

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.77.77.10
  • 4

본고에서는 ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’가 쓰인 용례를 통하여 양자의 범주 소속, 화용적 기능, 통사적 특징, 양태성 등 측면에서 공통점과 차이점을 살펴보았고 또한 하나의 문법 표지가 여러 범주에 걸쳐 나타나는 이유를 문법화의 각도에서 해석하였다. 결론적으로 ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’는 완료상 표지로써 상이한 서술어와의 결합을 통해 사용 문맥이 확대되고 주관화, 재분석 등 기제로 인하여 인식양태, 증거양태로 문법화 되었다.

This paper describes the relationship between the tense and modality of -더- and 来着 through the intrinsic meaning of the perfect, preconception and influence, and interprets the cause with cognitive mechanisms such as grammaticalization, subjectivization, and reanalysis. In conclusion, -the- and 来着 are perfect trademarks, and the context of use is expanded by combining them with different predicates. When looking at the usage of -더- , it is confirmed in the terminating form, the connecting form, and the adjective form. Considering various factors, only the final form of -더- is intended to be the subject of the description. In this paper, we looked into the similarities and differences of ‘-더-’ and ‘来着’ in the categories of semantics, syntactics and modality. The grammatical attributes of ‘-더-’ and ‘来着’ were defined as perfect aspect marker. With the expanding of its context, the use of epistemic modality and evidentiality were appeared, the mechanism of this process of grammarization is subjectivization.

1. 서론

2. ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’의 선행연구

3. ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’의 통사적 특징

4. ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’의 상적 특징과 양태성

5. ‘-더-’와 ‘来着’의 문법화와 주관화

6. 결론
