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KCI등재 학술저널

崔承老의 「五朝政績評」 서술과 ‘危亂’ 의식

Choe Seung-no s Description in Appraisal of Achievements of Five Kings and his Consciousness of ‘National Crisis’

DOI : 10.2 9186 / kjhh .2021.44.155
  • 121

高麗 成宗 원년(982) 崔承老(927-989)가 서술하여 제출한 上書文, 이른바 「崔承老上書文」 중 「五朝政績評」은 ‘五祖’ 곧 성종 이전의 다섯 임금 太祖・惠宗・定宗・光宗・景宗의 정치적 업적에 대한 최승로의 평가이다. 그는 ‘危亂’ 즉 ‘王位가 위태하고 國政이 어지러움에 이르렀음’을 지적하고, ‘참으로 통탄할 일’이라 ‘귀감이 될 만하고 경계로 삼을 만한 것을 기록’하였다고 밝혔으니, 그의 「오조정적평」 서술은 강한 ‘위란’ 의식의 결과물임이 분명하다. 그는 「太祖評」에서 태조의 ‘帝王 體統’ 획득을 가장 높이 칭송하였으며, 그 업적 사실 중 백미로는 ‘왕위에 안전히 거하면서도 逸脫함이 없고 아랫사람을 접대함에 恭遜함을 생각하였음’을 손꼽았다. 그러는 것이야말로 바로 ‘위란’을 미연에 방지할 수 있는 帝王으로서의 術策이자 곧 그 타개의 要諦로 파악하고 있었으며, 그럼으로써 王道政治도 民本도 구현할 수 있음을 설파한 것이었다. 최승로는 「오조정적평」의 서두에서 [唐] 吳兢의 『貞觀政要』를 거명하면서, ‘唐 太宗의 정치가 아름답고 밝아서 師範이 될 만하다.’라고 밝힌 바가 있으므로, 『정관정요』에서 막중한 비중을 차지하는 魏徵의 上書文 내용에서 적지 않은 영향을 받은 듯하다. 최승로와 위징의 상서문을 세밀히 비교해보니, 내용상 유사함이 드러난다. 특히 최승로와 위징이 民本의 王道政治를 지향하였음에서는 普遍性을 지니고 있었다고 하겠다.

Of so-called Choi Seung-no s Proposal to the King Choe Seung-no (AD 927-989) described and submitted in the first year of King Seongjong (982) during the Koryo Dynasty, Appraisal of Achievements of Five Kings was his appraisal of political achievements of five kings before King Seongjong - Taejo, Hyejong, Jeongjong, Kwangjong, Kyeongjong. Pointing out the forthcoming national crisis, that is, the crisis of the dynasty and chaotic state affairs , he said it was quite lamentable and so wrote what might be a good example and what should be avoided . Therefore, his description in Appraisal of Achievements of Five Kings was obviously the outcome of his poignant consciousness of the national crisis. In his Appraisal of Achievements of Five Kings, he most highly applauded King Taejo s maintenance of authority as a king , and emphasized that the centerpiece of the King s achievements was that he had not deviated while staying safely in the throne, along with his politeness in treating his men. He considered these were the tactics of King Taejo to prevent national crisis in advance as well as the key point of settling any national crisis. So, Choe Seung-no elucidated the King was able to realize rule by virtue and policy of People First. In the prelude of Appraisal of Achievements of Five Kings, Choe Seung-no mentioned about Zhenguan zhengyao compiled by Wu Jing in the Tang Dynasty and said politics of King Taizong of Tang had been so good and bright as to be a good model. And his Appraisal of Achievements of Five Kings was likely to be influenced considerably by the content of Wei Zheng s proposal to the king - very important part of Zhenguan zhengyao. As a result of comparing proposals to the king of Choe Seung-no and Wei Zheng closely, the study found the similarity of contents. So, their pursuit of rule by virtue based on policy of People First must be in common.

1. 「五朝政績評」의 서술:‘危亂’ 의식의 작용

2. ‘危亂’ 타개의 요체:‘居安無逸 接下思恭’의 성취

3. ‘居安無逸 接下思恭’의 실행:民本의 王道政治 구현

4. 吳兢 『貞觀政要』 登載 魏徵 上書文 ‘居安思危’・‘敬以接下’의 영향
