최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

실태조사를 통한 노인요양병원 피난안전성 확보방안에 관한 연구

A Study on the Method to Secure Evacuation Safety of Long-term Care Hospital for the Elderly through Actual Condition Survey

DOI : 10.7731/KIFSE.0632f241
  • 116

In long-term care hospitals, there are many patients with reduced mobility and the fire compartment is difficult, so thereis a high possibility of large-scale casualties in the event of a fire. Various studies have been conducted to reduce theserisks, but studies on problems related to evacuation safety and improvement measures are lacking. Therefore, this studyintends to examine the problems related to evacuation safety through a fact-finding survey targeting two hospitals and tosuggest improvement measures. As a result, problems related to 1) maintenance of fire doors, 2) establishment of ahorizontal evacuation plan, 3) evacuation mechanism, and 4) recognition and implementation of worker evacuation planswere derived, and improvement measures for each problem were suggested.

1. Introduction

2. Consideration of Problems of and Improvement Plans for Long-term Care Hospitals for the Elderly through Actual Condition Surveys

3. Derivation of Problems and Improvement Plans for Long-term Care Hospitals for the Elderly through Surveys

4. Conclusion

Additional Remarks


