AHP 분석을 통한 노인요양병원의 화재안전성 평가지표 개발
Development of Fire Safety Evaluation Indices for Long-term Care Hospitals for the Elderly through Analytic Hierarchy Process Analysis
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회논문지
- Vol.35 No.6
- : KCI등재
- 2021.12
- 61 - 67 (7 pages)
Long-term care hospitals for the elderly are places for the elderly and patients with impaired mobility to live in, butthese places face a high risk of great damage in the event of a fire. The standards for fire safety at long-term care hospitalsfor the elderly are limited to inspection of firefighting facilities and training plans, with no index to evaluate the evacuationplans, facilities for evacuation in case of fire, and the fire response manuals of long-term care hospitals for the elderly. Therefore, this study tries to carry out a basic analysis and establish fire safety evaluation indices for long-term carehospitals for the elderly. To that end, the study derives the importance and priorities of the indices related to fire safetyin long-term care hospitals for the elderly through an analytic hierarchy process questionnaire surveying 44 firefightingexperts. Finally, considering the importance and priorities of the indices, this study presents fire safety evaluation standards(drafts) for long-term care hospitals for the elderly.
1. Introduction
2. Review of Fire Safety Evaluation Standards and Problems of Long-term Care Hospitals for the Elderly
3. Design of AHP Survey for Establishment of Fire Safety Evaluation Standards
4. Analysis of Importance of Fire Safety Evaluation Items and Presentation of Evaluation Standards (Draft)
5. Conclusion