최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A study on the origins of territorial disputes in Northeast Asia and a nationalistic approach

DOI : 10.29159/KJAS.39.4.5
  • 42

The purpose of this study is to attempt a nationalist approach to the territorialdispute that is a cause of conflict among the four Northeast Asian countries (Korea,Japan, China, and Russia) despite the era of globalization. Until now, territorialdisputes have been developed in the direction of seeking solutions in the historicalcontext, political and economic factors, and international law. It is true that suchstudies helped to understand the realistic background of territorial disputes, but theyhave some limitations in understanding and resolving territorial disputes at a morefundamental level. Basically, territorial disputes are based on nationalistic aspirationsthat differ from country to country. This is the anti-colonialization process in Chinathat developed in the late 19th century, the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) and theRusso-Japanese War (1904-1905). had a great influence on the formation. Eachcountry does not give up its political and economic gains, engages in an arms race tooccupy an advantageous position in the conflict, and displays a dual attitude ofmaintaining cooperation and exchanges despite strategic diplomatic friction. Ultimately, it is necessary to expand the possibility of mutual understanding forconflict resolution by understanding the meaning of territorial disputes to the peopleof each country and the collective characteristics of conflict resolution through thepolitical understanding of each country in Northeast Asia.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Review Preceding Research and Nationalistic Approach

Ⅲ. The origins of territorial disputes in Northeast Asia and historical conflicts

Ⅳ. Territorial Disputes in Northeast Asia and Nationalistic Characteristics

Ⅴ. Conclusion
