최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Research on Communication and Education of Doctor-Patient Relationship

DOI : 10.51600/isr.2022.2.1.1
  • 6

确定违反保密规定的习惯和影响,以及医患关系中沟通失误的原因和影响。本文是基于健康传播伦理问题的综合文献综述是在数据库(PubMed 和 Google Scholar)中进行的。关键词为“医疗机密”和“机密泄露”,用于“机密泄露”搜索,以及“沟通失误”搜索中的“医患关系沟通失误”。审查了他们的参考清单,获得并分析了相关的参考清单。违反保密规定的情况屡见不鲜,而且大多数都是偶然发生的。这主要是由医生实施的,严重的保密违规更经常发生,最常见的披露信息是患者的临床和/或个人数据。在对话和数据输入过程中可能会违反保密性。这主要导致医生的职业后果和处罚,以及患者的健康状况较差。沟通失误也可能导致健康状况不佳。有许多因素导致了错误沟通的发生。它可能发生在医务人员、医务人员和患者之间,以及医务人员和患者亲属之间。在大多数国家,违反保密规定和错误沟通是两个主要问题,导致医患关系恶化,造成诸多不利因素,尤其是患者健康状况不佳。虽然有各种原因,但它们的发生往往是由于医生意识的缺乏。应提高保密意识和沟通重要性。

To identify the customary and impacts of confidential breach as well as miscommunication causes and impacts in doctor-patient relationship. This comprehensive literature review on ethical issues of health communication was performed in databases (PubMed and Google Scholar). All English-language relevant articles with keywords “medical confidentiality” and “confidentiality breach” for “confidentiality breach” search and “miscommunication in doctor patient relationship” in “miscommunication” search were analyzed. Their reference lists were reviewed and the relevant ones were obtained and analyzed. Confidentiality breaches happen commonly and most of them are accidental. It is mostly committed by doctors and severe confidentiality breaches occur more often with the most common disclosed information is patients’ clinical and/or personal data. Breaching confidentiality can happen during conversation and data entry. It results mainly in professional consequences and sanctions for the doctors, as well as poorer health outcomes of the patients. Poor health outcomes can also be resulted from miscommunication. There are numerous factors grounding the occurrences of miscommunication. It can happen between medical professionals, medical professionals and patients, and medical professionals and patients’ relatives. Confidentiality breach and miscommunication are two major issues in most countries which result in poor doctor-patient relationship that cause numerous disadvantages, particularly poor patients’ health outcome. Although there are various reasons, they usually happen due to awareness lack of the doctors. Awareness of confidentiality and communication importance should be improved.

1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

