This paper proposes to examine students feedback in order to study what they are watching in consecutive interpreting. Feedback plays an essential role in the training of apprentice interpreters. In classroom sessions, feedback from classmates is as important as that from teachers. However, the teaching of interpretation focuses only on interpretation skills, leaving aside feedback skills. For this study, students were told to make a video recording of their performance, write feedback and upload at Google Drive. We then proceeded to the encoding of feedbacks and categorized them according to the typology proposed in the previous studies. It turned out that the students, far from being limited to product-oriented feedback, leaned much more towards process-oriented feedback, which made it possible to verify their position and seek solutions for the problems they were facing at.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구설계
IV. 결과 분석
V. 결론