최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A Suggestion on Artificial Intelligence and Translation Education

  • 39

Now is the time to look at how the language education required for foreign language majors should be conducted with the rapidly changing age of artificial intelligence. Translators today exist with computer-aided translation software, but nevertheless, humans remain an important part of the translation process, so we need to reflect on this. To this end, we first looked at various situations for translation, namely machine translation, CAT (Computer Aided Translation, Computer Assisted Translation), and AI (artificial intelligence). This will also be a factor to consider, as human attitudes toward foreign languages ​​learning will certainly play a major role in the future of translation. In particular, since MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing) is a process in which the translator refines the machine translation result into the final translation result, it is necessary for translation education at the school site. Because, in the process of global companies all jumping into the global market and pursuing localization, the demand for translation is higher than ever before, and MTPE is desperately needed to solve this demand, and research and education on it will be more actively needed.

I. Introduction

II. MT (Machine Translation)1) and CAT (Computer-Aided Translation, Computer-Assisted Translation)

III. Artificial Intelligence and Translation Issues

IV. Pre-Editing and MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing) for translation education

V. Conclusion and translational suggestion
