The purpose of this study is to describe and examine the efficiency of LMS-based non-face-to-face online content classes activated in the COVID-19 situation. For this study, it was found that the ways to improve the efficiency of online content classes by analyzing the efficient use of LMS learning focusing on interpretation and transportation learning in the current situation where non-face-to-face is continuing. Therefore, the conclusions analyzed in this study are as follows. Factors that can be used to improve efficiency in LMS-based online classes correspond to various learning activities . The main elements of LMS correspond to class overview, e-learning contents, video lectures, assignments, quizzes, discussion rooms, chat rooms, chat rooms, bulletin boards, surveys, web documents, wikis, folders, etc., and these elements can help with learning activities, e-mail, SMS, etc. It is expected that it will be helpful in the operation of non-face-to-face English subject learning through the measures to improve the use of LMS proposed through this study.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 통번역을 위한 온라인 콘텐츠 학습의 효율성 제고(提高) 방안
IV. 결론