최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

부정사와 동명사의 통사/의미적 차이와 영/한 통ㆍ번역

Syntactic and Semantic Differences between To-Infinitive and Gerundive Constructions, and Translation of English to and from Korean

  • 42

This paper aims to find out the syntactic and semantic differences between English to-infinitive and gerundive constructions and suggest how to overcome the problems arising in the translation of English to and from Korean. For the discussion of these issues, Chomsky’s theory of transformational generative grammar has been employed. This paper has brought out the problems with the statement of traditional English grammar books that the nominal usage of English to-infinitives and gerunds are interchangeable due to their similarities in grammatical function and meaning. It has been argued that the nominal usage of English to-infinitive and gerundive constructions are different in syntactic structure and semantic implicatures. It has also been argued that it is important for translators to understand how they are different to be able to translate them to and from English and Korean properly. Furthermore, this paper has suggested that linguistic differences between similar expressions and structures should be taught to the students of translation to improve their translation capacity.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경: 부정사와 동명사의 공통점과 차이점

Ⅲ. 부정사와 동명사 구문의 통ㆍ번역

Ⅳ. 결론
