최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

줄임말의 수용성에 대한 양적연구

A Quantitative Analysis of the Acceptability of Contracted Words

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2021.112.111
  • 141

The purpose of this paper is to select representative contracted words used widely in the population and to find out how acceptable they are according to generations. The acceptability of those words is broadly divided into two kinds : one is that the intergenerational differences can be observed, the other is not. The contracted words belonging to the latter case, if the acceptability is very high through all the generations, are expected to continue to survive and be listed in the dictionary. In the paper, 17 contracted words are selected using crosstab analysis in SPSS 23.0.

1. 서론

2. 단어의 분류체계

3. 연구 방법 및 결과

4. 결론
