이 글은 근대의 한학자이면서 언론인이기도 하였던 秋帆 權道溶의 한시를 연구한 것이다. 권도용은 함양에서 한학에 전념하며 시대적 변화에 따라 부침을 거듭하는 국운을 몸소 겪으며 그에 대한 시문을 많이 발표하였는데, 이들은 『秋帆文苑』이라는 문집에 모아져 있는데, 原集․續集․時報 등 시문이 지어진 시기에 따라 스스로 편집하여 엮어 놓은 글들은 그 양이 매우 많다. 시의 경우도 원집․속집․시보 등에 흩어져 있음을 볼 수 있는데, 수적으로나 내용적으로 한 번에 다루기에는 너무 많아 여기에서는 우국한시에 나타나 보이는 작가의식의 지향에 대해서 살펴보기로 하였다. 그는 학문적으로는 退溪 李滉 계열의 寒洲 李震相의 학문을 계승한 勉宇 郭鍾錫에게 배웠지만, 지역적으로 南冥 曺植의 출생, 성장지인 합천, 그리고 산청에 가까워 조식에게 학문적으로 경도된 측면도 엿볼 수 있다. 그리고 그의 문학에 대한 관념은 조선 시대 학자들이 대개 그랬듯이 文以載道를 바탕으로 한 도문일치의 생각을 가지고 있었다. 이 두 가지는 그의 문학작품 특히 우국한시의 의식적 지향을 형성하는 데에 영향을 미쳤던 것으로 보인다. 그의 문학은 개화기로부터 일제강점기를 거쳐 6․25동란에 이르기까지의 격동의 세월을 고스란히 지나오면서 역사현실을 반영한 것이 많으며, 현실을 아파하고 위정자를 비판하며, 바람직한 정치이념을 제시한 것도 적지 않다. 아울러 현실을 타개하기 위해 훌륭한 위인, 군자의 출현을 기다렸으며, 이러한 바람에 따라 安重根 의사와 같은 인물을 노래하기도 하였으며 함양지역의 임란 의병장을 기리는 글을 쓰기도 하였다. 아울러 어려운 시기 민족의 현실을 겪으며 이에 굴하거나 타협하지 않고, 세상을 떠나 은둔하거나 세상을 피해 사는 사람들을 기렸으며, 光復이 되기를 절실하게 염원하였고, 광복이 된 이후에는 진정한 광복의 의미가 무엇인가를 제시하기도 하였다.
In this thesis, we looked at the life and literature of the Chubeom Kwon Do-yong, mainly focusing on the part where he started to study under the guidance of Myunwu Kuak Jong-seok, and to respect Nammyung Chosik. Not only was he in contact with the veins of science following Myunwu, he also seemed to have had a great influence from his learning from Nammyung, which was based on his own experiences and family history. In particular, he praised the view and situation of Nammyung who looked at the reality of men and could see this in many forms at the patriotic poetry. Chubeom wrote a particularly large number of patriotic poetry, and these poems are expected to be able to sort out their characteristic aspects to the next five. The first, he had the perception that poetry was history and a mirror. He was very interested in history, especially the history books of various species written by Kim Taek-young, a patriotic poet of the latter era of the Choson Dynasty. Besides, he hoped that humiliating events would never happen again, taking into account the people that might be used as a model for his time, such as Eulpaso, Euljimundeok, and Euljidu, as well as Queen Jinduk. he was concerned about the social conditions of the time. He was tortured by the dismal reality that military officials killed governmental officials in Goryeo Dynasty, and also felt sad about changing one s fullname under the coercion of imperialist Japan. Secondly, he expected a great man as a means to overcome the difficulties of his time. He praised Donggae Jungon who stabbed himself after Choson Dynasty signed the humiliating treaty with Cheng Dynasty in Samjun Island, and applauded other various individuals who did kill himself, such as Ahn Jung-geun and Min Yeong-hwan after Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905, The third, he recited the yearning and the appreciation of Korea s liberation from Japanese colonial rule. He wrote and seriously agonized over what to do if he wanted to do so and what it would be like to achieve true independence. He rebuked those who had lost their country and had fled to Namkyung, south of the Yangtze River, looking at their hometowns and just crying every day. The reason why he recited Wangdo in a poem, who set up a scheme to restore the nation s territory, was that it was important to carry out the task of regaining national sovereignty, not just grieving the lost national sovereignty. He read a novel titled The Shinzhu Guangbokji and said, True independence is not only about restoring the country, but also about restoring the cultural system and everything to the past. And in “Guangbokbu”, you can see that the song was a song of emotion and joy when Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule.
1. 머리말
2. 權道溶의 학문성향과 문학관
3. 憂國漢詩에 나타난 작가의식의 地平
4. 맺음말