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KCI등재 학술저널

文房四友에 투사된 삶의 지향과 文筆에 대한 意識

The Consciousness about the direction of life and writing projected in the four precious things of the study(文房四友)

DOI : 10.17293/dbkcls.2020.84
  • 4

文房四友의 의인화는 韓愈의 『毛穎傳』에서 비롯되었다. 그리고 송나라 唐庚의 『家藏古硯銘唐子西 并序』와 같은 글이 문방사우의 性狀으로부터 착안한 類比的 표현의 濫觴이 되었다. 문방사우를 주제로 삼은 작품은 조선 초기인 성종 연간부터 韓末 시기까지 꾸준히 창작되었다. 이는 문방사우가 조선의 문인들에게 지속적인 관심을 갖는 주제였음을 대변하는 현상이라고 하겠다. 문방사우를 소재로 한 작품들은 詩․賦․銘․贊․策․記 등 여러 가지 문학적 형식으로 창작되었으나, 그중 명과 시의 형식을 많이 취하고 있다. 조선 전기의 문방사우 관련 작품 중 문학적 가치가 높은 것으로 李荇의 『文房四友』賦를 꼽을 수 있다. 그의 『文房四友』賦에는 지식과 글의 참된 기능과 역할에 대한 진솔한 생각과 함께 난세의 처신에 대한 고민이 담겨 있다. 河弘度는 광해군의 실정으로 벼슬을 단념하고 낙향하여 학문 연찬과 후진 양성에 전념한 은일 유자이다. 그는 『四友』賦를 창작하여 문방사우의 미덕과 우도를 읊으면서 文筆의 현실적 효용과 가치에 대한 의식을 표출하였다. 문방사우를 소재로 삼은 대표적 산문 작품 중 하나는 趙翼의 『四友離合問』答記 이다. 『四友離合問答記』는 좌절과 고뇌의 심정과 그것을 극복하려는 의지가 형상화된 작품이라는 점에서 주목된다. 문방사우를 소재로 한 작품이 취한 형식으로는 銘이 다수를 점한다. 이는 사물이 지닌 장점을 교훈으로 삼는 동시에 그 단점을 경계로 삼는 데 이 문방사우가 적합한 소재를 제공하기 때문이다. 문방사우를 銘의 형식으로 만든 대표적 작가로는 李衡祥․權榘․李瀷 등이 있다. 그들은 자신들이 지향하는 이념과 처세의 도리를 구체적 사물인 문방사우로 형상화하였다. 이형상의 『四友銘』은 문방사우의 장단점에 대한 포양과 경계로 이루어져 있으며, 權榘의 『四友銘』은 특유의 철학적 사유를 토대로 한 작품이다. 그리고 李瀷의 『四友銘』은 문방사우의 친교에 대하여 말함으로써 그의 友道 관념을 형상화한 작품이다. 또 朴允默은 당대의 손꼽히는 명필로, 『文房四友銘』에서 깨끗함, 長壽, 올바름, 변치 않는 본성이라는 미덕을 문방사우로 형상화하여 자신을 각성키는 자료로서의 효과를 제고하였다.

The personification of the four precious things of the study(文房四友) was originated from the 『Moyeongjeon(毛穎傳)』 of Han Yu(韓愈). In addition, the writing such as 『Gajanggoyeonmyeong Dangjaseo byeongseo(家藏古硯銘 唐子西 并序)』 of Dang Gyeong(唐庚) from the Song Dynasty became the origin of analogous expression which was conceived from the character of the four precious things of the study. The works on the theme of the four precious things of the study were continuously created from the year of King Seongjong in the early Joseon Dynasty period to the end of Joseon Dynasty period. It could be said that this phenomenon represented that the four precious things of the study were a subject of constant interest to the writers in Joseon. The works on the subject of the four precious things of the study have been created in various styles, including poetry, poetical prose, inscription, eulogy, measure and record, but the form of inscription and poetry were most commonly used. Among the works related to the four precious things of the study in the early Joseon period, one of the high literary value was Lee-Haeng(李荇)’s 『The four precious things of the study(文房四友)』 poetical prose. In his 『The four precious things of the study(文房四友)』 poetical prose, it contained sincere thoughts on the true function and role of knowledge and writing, as well as worries about the behavior of turbulent times. Ha Hong-do(河弘度) was a seclusion Confucian scholar who gave up his government position and retired to the country due to the maladministration of Gwanghaegun, and devoted himself to study Confucian scriptures and history and fostering of younger generation. He created 『The four precious things(四友)』 poetical prose and expressed his thoughts on the practical utility and value of writing by reciting the virtues and friendship of the four precious things of the study. One of the most representative prose works on the subject of the four precious things of the study was Jo-Ik(趙翼)’s 『Saulihabmundabgi(四友離合問答記)』. This work was notable in that it was a work that embodied the feelings of frustration and anguish, and the will to overcome them. In the form of works based on the four precious things of the study, inscription took the majority. This was because the four precious things of the study provid a suitable materials for taking the strengths of an object as a lesson and to keeping weaknesses as a wariness. Some of the most prominent writers who made the four precious things of the study in the form of inscription were Lee Hyeong-sang(李衡祥), Kwon-Gu(權榘), Lee-Ik(李瀷) etc. Most of the works based on the four precious things of the study included the contents of the friendship between the four precious things of the study, the friendship between the four precious things of the study and oneself, and friendliness. However, Lee Hyeong-sang’s 『Inscription of The four precious things(四友銘)』 did not show any contents about the friendship, and it was composed of compliment and wariness for the pros and cons of the four precious things of the study. Kwon-Gu was a scholar who had profound knowledge of Confucian Classics and Neo-Confucianism, his 『Inscription of The four precious things (四友銘)』 was a work based on his unique philosophical thinking. In addition, Lee-Ik(李瀷)’s 『Inscription of The four precious things(四友銘)』 embodied his conception of friendship by talking about the friendship of the four precious things of the study in a single poem. Besides, Park Yun-muk(朴允默) was one of the most famous writers of those days, and he expressed his thoughts about the four precious things of the study on 『Inscription of the four precious things of the study(文房四友銘)』. Like the purpose for writing “Taking the virtues of the four precious things of the study and using them as a material to awaken myself.”, he carefully revealed and praised their virtues.

1. 서론

2. 문방사우 관련 작품 현황

3. 문방사우에게 배우는 亂世의 處身

4. 문방사우에 붙인 隱逸 儒者의 文筆觀念

5. 문방사우에 투사한 처지와 내면의 형상화

6. 문방사우로 형상화한 교훈과 경계

7. 결론

