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KCI등재 학술저널

마한 분구묘와 주구토광묘의 비교로 본 개념과 계통성

Concepts and Lineage of Mahan’s Mounded and Ditch-pit Tombs Viewed from a Comparative Perspective

  • 667

본고는 기원 후 마한을 대표하는 두 묘제인 분구묘와 주구토광묘를 비교 검토하여 개념에 대한 재 검토와 계통성에 관해 살펴보고자 한다. 특히, 분구묘의 축조과정을 통한 개념의 검토와 주구토광묘와 의 여러 속성비교를 통해 분구묘와 주구토광묘의 계통적 차이를 파악하고자 한다. 먼저 분구묘의 개념에 대해 살펴보고 분구가 잔존하는 자료 중 지하에 매장시설이 깊게 조성되거나 매장시설 조성 후 동시성토가 이루어졌다고 보고된 사례를 중심으로 축조방법을 검토한 결과, 적어도 정지층과 그 위로 성토가 먼저 이루어진 후에 매장시설이 조성되고 있음을 파악하였고, 이는 본질적 특징으로 미리 분구를 조성했다는 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 반면, 주구토광묘의 본질적 요소는 원저단경호와 발형토기 조합 부장양상으로 볼 수 있으며, 주구토 광묘 권역에서만 확인되는 마형·호형대구와 유개대부호 및 원저옹 등의 특징적인 유물은 분구묘와 구 분할 수 있는 요소로 생각된다. 이러한 양상은 서북한 지역과 영남동남부 지역과의 관련성이 깊은데, 계통성과도 관련이 깊은 것으로 추정된다. 최근 분구묘와 주구토광묘의 자료가 급증하면서 평면형태와 매장관념의 요소만으로 구분이 어려워 진 경우가 다소 확인되는데, 이는 대체로 분구묘와 주구토광묘의 경계지역에서 나타나는 양상으로 문 화접변에 의한 영향이 작용한 것으로 생각해 볼 수 있다. 주구토광묘의 중심권역인 아산, 천안, 청주 일원은 아산만을 통해 영남지역의 대구, 경산, 경주까지 이어지는 중요 교통로로서 서북한(낙랑) 또는 중국과 연결하는 교류의 중심에 위치하며, 주구토광묘 집단은 이러한 교통로를 통해 성장한 집단으로 생각된다. 분구묘는 본질적으로 동일한 매장관념을 가진 집단이면서 해양을 중심으로 성장한 집단으로 볼 수 있으며, 분포권이 넓은 만큼 분구묘간 지역적 차이가 분명하게 나타난다. 분구묘의 출현지점 및 시기 에 대해 논란이 있지만, 그 시작점은 관창리 분구묘가 분포하는 충남 보령이나 서산 일원으로 생각되 며, 주변지역으로 확산된 것으로 추정된다.

The present paper examined the mounded and ditch-pit tombs, the two representative tomb types of Mahan since AD, in an attempt to investigate their lineage by organizing the concepts related to the construction process of the mounded tombs and comparing their various attributes with those of the ditch-pit tombs. In the first place, the existing concepts of the mounded tombs were examined and their construction process was reassessed beforehand. Researches of the previous data which showed mainly the cases in which, unlike the basic burial concept of mound first, burial next , burial facilities were built underground and ground was filled up right after burial facilities were established confirmed that the major burial facilities were installed after the site was prepared, graded and created by digging the encircling ditch in a plain shape as well as soil was filled up partly although the mound was not completed. This may be interpreted differently depending on the perspective of understanding the construction process, but the fact that filled layers were created prior to graded layers regardless of the size should be understood that mound was formed first as done traditionally. That the mound was created by digging again certain amount of ground which was already filled up led to assumption that the construction of burial facilities with residual depth was carried out in the same way as the case where buried facilities remained deep underground. In parallel with the rapid increase recently in numbers of the data concerning the mounded and ditch-pit tombs, it has become no longer easy to distinguish between them merely on the basis of the elements like planar forms and concepts of burials, because lots of cases affected by cultural assimilation have frequently been found in each region. However, relics such as combination of rounded bottom jars with short neck and bowl-shaped pottery as a kind of grave goods as well as bronze belt accessories with horse and tiger symbols, lidded leg jars and rounded bottom small jars which are found only in the area of the ditch-pit tombs are important features that make them distinguished from the mounded tombs and serve thus as clues to estimate their lineage. The patterns of grave goods and characteristic relics are closely related to the northwestern and Yeongnam regions since the areas of Asan, Cheonan, Cheongju, and Chungju where the ditch-pit tombs are discovered are the important transportation routes linking Asan Bay with Daegu, Gyeongsan and Gyeongju of the Yeongnam region. This area was also the center of exchanges connecting with North Korea (Nakrang) and China via Asan Bay. Judging from this, it is believed that it was a dynamic society which had a large population and had grown thanks to active come and go of people. As for lineage of the people, it is presumed that a political system was constituted in the area of the ditch-pit tombs by various groups such as the indigenous powers identified characteristically with such grave goods as rounded bottom jars with short neck and bowl-shaped pottery, the group in Yeongnam area who had wooden coffin tombs and bronze belt accessories with horse symbol, and the immigrants or displaced persons of the northwestern area, etc. Although the mounded tombs didn t feature a standardized or characteristic pattern, somewhat regional differences were still shown since the area of distribution was wide. Nevertheless, the mounded tombs showed almost the same process of development and, of them particularly, the vertical and horizontal expansion for mass burials suggested that they shared the common concept of burial. Despite some controversies over appearance of the mounded tombs, it is believed that they began first in the area of Boryeong or Seosan, Chungcheongnam-do and spread to the Gyeonggi and Honam regions later, and that, in each region, they were localized following contact with the existing culture.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 마한 분구묘의 개념과 축조과정의 검토

Ⅲ. 분구묘와 주구토광묘의 속성비교

Ⅳ. 분구묘와 주구토광묘 계통성에 관한 고찰

Ⅴ. 맺음말
