최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

한국무용의 에크리튀르 의미작용 사례연구

A Case Study on Ecriture Signification of Dance: Jeju 4·3 Young Artist Dance Festival in 2020

DOI : 10.55082/jdp.2021.4.2.93
  • 23

Korean dance, in the commemorative events of many national memorial days, attracts public attention and touches the right chords of the audience with patriotic message. This paper appreciates Korean dance works participating in the Jeju April 3 Young Artist Dance Festival in 2020 and illuminates the spirit encompassing them by applying Roland Barthes s theory of etricure signification. To this end, Chapter 2 introduces the outline of the Jeju April 3, the related special laws, and the contents of the dances participating in the Jeju April 3 Young Artist Dance Festival in 2020. In addition, Chapter 3 interprets the above works based on Barthes s article The Death of the Author and explains the phenomenon that inevitably appeared in memory of this historical event. As a result, although there were works that helped the audience understand by mobilizing explicit narration, they generally tended to focus on the body movements of dance, and there were also three other folk dances. Although these works individually reproduce folklore and trauma, it can be seen that the spirit of the national community as a social consensus that motivated choreographers was chosen as ecriture and provided the audience with signification of making national harmony more important than capitalist and communist ideologies. This study is expected to contribute to proving the timely effectiveness of dance used in national memorial events.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 제주4·3 젊은예인춤전의 민속성과 트라우마 재현

Ⅲ. 제주4·3기념행사 한국무용의 에크리튀르 의미작용

Ⅳ. 결론
