최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

자치경찰제 하 민간경비원 자격시험 및 교육제도 고찰

A Study on the System of Qualification Examination and Eduction of Private Security Guards under the Local Municipal Police System: Centered on the Example of the Japan s Public-Private Security Partnerships

DOI : 10.55082/jdp.2021.4.2.1
  • 38

As non-face-to-face situations have become commonplace after COVID-19 today, the private security industry will continue to support or compensate for the service of the police, and accordingly, the issue of civilian security qualifications and education has become significant. This paper examines the characteristics of the private security industry that led Japan s successful public-private security partnerships in light of globalization discourse and proposes a new policy that can be implemented in the Korean autonomous police system. The second chapter introduces the concept of private security and the current status of crimes in Korea. The third studies the global trend of the private security industry, and examines the arguments of previous domestic studies focusing on Japan s private security qualification examination and education system. The Fourth, after introducing the globalization of the private security industry and the trend of neoliberalism, discusses the method of public-private security cooperation that emerged in Japan s autonomous police system. As a result, using the case of Japan, it is proposed that the National Police Commission of Korea supervises the Civil Security Qualification Test, and the Autonomous Police Commission manages their education. Lastly, this study emphasizes the meaningfulness in suggesting an alternative to forming an effective public-private security partnerships under the newly initiated Korean autonomous police system.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 민간경비산업 유행과 한국의 범죄현황 분석

Ⅲ. 일본 민간경비 자격제도를 중심으로 한 선행연구

Ⅳ. 민간경비산업 글로벌 경향에서 민경협력으로

Ⅴ. 결론
