갯벌 조간대에서 서식하는 낙지 (Octopus minor)의 주 산란기 및 성 성숙
Reproductive Period and Sexual Maturity of Octopus minor in the Mud Flats
- 전남대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구소 논문집
- 제30권 제1호
- 2021.02
- 33 - 36 (4 pages)
DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2021.30.1.5
A total of 315 individuals of Octopus minor were collected in the mud flat, Korea from May to November 2016. The sex ratio (female : male) of O. minor was higher female with 0.54 : 0.46. The sexual group maturity by logistics model was F=0.0093ML0.2712 with and average fecundity occurred 95 individuals. Female individuals with higher 8.0 cm ML were full maturity. The gonadsomatic index (GSI) was the highest in May and June 2016 for female and male, respectively. These results indicated that the main spawning period of O. minor was from May to June.
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