최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

메르스와 코로나 사태에 나타난 간호사의 이중적인 이미지와 과제

Nurses Twofold Image and Problem Shown in the Event of Mers and COVID-19 Event

  • 87

The Coronavirus-disease-2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic gives another chance to rethink nurses help and praise their hospitality, leading to making them heroes. However, nurses image of sacrifice and devotion has twofold or antinomic meaning, leading to feeling betrayed. This paper observes and compares nurses two contrasting images of heroic and negative jobs. The second chapter introduces and explains the high-minded activities and adversity that nurses, particularly managing and caring for infected patients, experience by referring to the media and shows the support from the Korean people. The third chapter treats their negative or disadvantageous aspects resulting from their job―lack of expertise in the field of preparing and managing the infectious disease, labeling effect on nurses and their family that they might be infected, anxiety and pressure, and feeling of inconvenience from wearing their protecting suits, causing their condition of being burned out and the manpower vacuum. Lastly, some suggestions to correcting the wrong images and reinforcing the imperfection of publicness of medical treatment.

1. 서론

2. 감염병 치료 간호사의 영웅적 이미지와 응원

3. 감염예방관리 간호사의 부정적 이미지와 소진성

4. 결론
