최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Состояние и перспективы медицинского перевода в медицинских учреждениях Южной Кореи

State and prospects of medical interpretation in medical institutions in South Korea

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.

This article discusses the state and prospects of Russian-Korean medical interpretation in South Korean medicine. It makes concrete proposals for improving the state of affairs in this area. We acknowledge the fact of increasing the number of foreign patients in South Korea, in this regard, the value of medical interpretation increases. To the question whether medical interpretation can be considered a kind of interpretation in the field of public services, we give a negative answer, because it does not provide for the interpretation of scientific terms and does not require professional medical knowledge. A medical interpretation is required to transfer a large number of professional medical terms and concepts. An analysis of the current state of the medical interpretation exam system and the effectiveness of this exam allows us to state that the medical interpretation exam should become mandatory for employment as a medical interpreter. Since South Korean medical technology is considered highly developed and the most advanced around the world, the intensification of the exchange of medical personnel and the intensification of cooperation in the medical field are inevitable. This means that the role of medical interpretation will constantly increase, which, in turn, indicates the need to take effective measures to improve its quality.

1. Введение

2. Является ли медицинский перевод разновидностью устного перевода в сфере общественных услуг?

3. Роль медицинского переводчика: концепция ≪равноправного собеседника≫

4. Состояние медицинского перевода в Южной Корее

5. Текущий статус и направление улучшения по тестированию по медицинскому переводу

6. Перспективы и направления медицинского перевода в Южной Корее

7. Выводы

