최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Compound Adjectives with Derivational Suffixes in Russian

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.
  • 7

This work is devoted to the study of the semantics of suffix-complex adjectives. The method of composition with simultaneous suffixation is a relatively independent and biased method of word-formation, which is productive in word-formation of adjectives. In this way, adjectives are produced whose pivot component is a suffixal adjective. The word-formation structure between members of multiple compounds suffixed derivative adjectives is not interpreted as a simple combination of linear morphemes. This structure contains dependencies of constituents that can be characterized by the relationship between determinans and determinatum. The generalized definition of a word-formation meaning as a relationship with a certain object or a characteristic by a certain object is expressed as follows by the logical and semantic relationship of the adjective s to the valence partner (attribute-attribute carrier) 1. Adjective designates the existence of a certain object: the ornative relationship 2. Adjective refers a complex of attribute carrier from parts: constructive relationships 3. The object is destined for something: purposive relationship 4. The object functions as a means of something: an instrumental relationship 5. Temporal relationships are expressed by adjectives: temporal relationship 6. Adjectives denote relations with places: local relationship 7. Adjectives refer to the owner of something or refer to the owner s object mentioned in the context: a possessive relationship, a subject or object-oriented relationship. 8.The adjective describes measured values of the physical properties of objects: Measured value relationship 9.The adjective refers to the classification of an object on a scale: Scale value relationship. The presentation of the complex form-meaning relations is in a semasiological and onomasiologically oriented analysis. This also gives rise to further aspects for a characterological description of Russian.

1. Introduction

2. Semantic Features of Derivative Adjectives

3. Conclusion

