Вербатолошко-жанровске и прагматичко-семантичке карактеристике пословица као микротекстова
Verbatological-genre and pragmatic-semantic characteristics of proverbs as microtexts
As our analysis has shown, it is a very rich and diverse verbatological registry of paremisational forms and pragmatic functions. We found that relatively often the aesthetic form of proverbs can be seen as a verbatological act. The pragmatic and verbatological dimension of the proverb confirms that speech does not have only a cognitive aspect – redecorate: DESCRIPTIVE, EVALUATIVE, DEFINITIVE, HYPOTHETICAL, ASSERTIVE, PERMISSIVE, IDEALIVE, INDICATIVE, etc., which enables to mark or describe the world or determine the facts of reality, is also determined by its function of building interpersonal relationships – redecorate: APPEAL, MALEDICTIVE, RHETORICAL FORMS, EDUCATIVE, CONNOTATIVE, CURSED FORMULAS, SWORN FORMULAS, INSTRUCTIVE, DIALOG FORMS, etc.
1. Увод
2. Анализа грађе
3. Закључне напомене