최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Концепт МУЗЫКА в русской языковой картине мира (на материале лексикографических источников)

The Concept MUSIC in a Russian Linguistic Worldview (based on lexicographic sources)

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.

The article is devoted to the description of the concept MUSIC in a Russian linguistic worldview. The target of the paper is to analyze Russian lexicographic sources and try to depict the structure of the complex universal concept MUSIC according to the modern postulates of cognitive linguistics. And understand how Russians treats music as a phenomenon. The structure of the concept consists of cognitive elements which is usually verbalized in words. It is spoken in details about sensual image (music is beauty, passion, euphoria), informative content (music is an art in general, a piece of art, the sound of a piece of art and a harmonic sound in general), interpretative content (music is beautiful, music is a message, we need to study it, music educates and entertains us, the names of the musicians becomes the part of our culture, the idioms content the word with musical semantics describe professional sphere of the musicians and social sphere of common people etc.) of the concept. A brief description of musical metaphoric is also given (the music of life, the music of words etc.). The paper concludes with a consideration that MUSIC is a complex and poly aspect phenomenon. The huge number of representatives indicates the important of the concept in Russian worldview.

1. Введение

2. Установление ключевого слова-репрезентанта концепта МУЗЫКА

3. Выявление признаков, формирующих информационное поле концепта, с целью описания ядра номинативного поля концепта МУЗЫКА

4. Выявление признаков, формирующих интерпретационное поле концепта, с целью описания периферии номинативного поля концепта МУЗЫКА

5. Заключение

