최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Этноязыковая ситуация в Горно-Бадахшанской Автономной Области Республики Таджикистан

A Study on The Ethno-Linguistic Situation of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast’(Province) of Tajikistan

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.

In this paper I researched the language situation of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast’ of Tajikistan. In the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast’ the status of Pamiris is now very low, and even they are ignored. And their languages are serving as a colloquial language in everyday life. Until the 1920s, Pamir languages are regarded as a different languages, but in 1926 it fell to dialects of Tajik language. In post-Soviet Tajikistan, Pamir languages are still a minority languages. Although the Language law adopted by Tajikistan in 1989 created conditions for the preservation, use and development of Pamir languages of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast’, there is still ostensible preservation, use and development, and described their function problems as autonomous areas of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast’, the status of these languages is still low. The issue of ethnic minority language was completely excluded from everyday life during the Tajikistan civil war, and as political centralization accelerated after the civil war, there is no meaningful policy for Gorno-Badakhshan at present. The declarative status of Gorno-Badakhshan s need to support and develop ethnic minority languages is only ostensible and does not exist.

1. Введение

2. Общие сведения о Таджикистана и его этносостав

3. Общие сведения о Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области

4. История и языки нацменшинства в Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области

5. Этноязыковая ситуация в Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области

6. Заключение

