최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아표준어의 통시적·공시적 역동성: 언어의 민주화 (III)

Diachronic/Synchronic Dynamism of Russian Literary Language: Democratization of Language in the aspect of a stylistic system

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.
  • 6

This paper, which focuses on the democratization of Russian literary language in the aspect of the development of the stylistic system, is a subsequent research paper studying the history of graphics and orthography of the Russian literary language and the methods and means of word formation with the material of simple words with the suffix -ka in terms of its democratization. The road to democracy of Russian literary language is characterized by the extension of the linguistic means of neutral style and its scope of use through “de-Church Slavonic”, russification, folk colloquialism, and non-normalization. During the period from the 11th to early 19th century, the development of Russian literary language and its functions can be seen as a history of constant change in the correlation between Church Slavonic and Russian. In the old Russian, Church Slavonic adopted Russian elements, the "Simple Russian" of Peter the Great replaced Church Slavic elements with Russian, and in the system of the three styles of Lomonosov, both Church Slavonic and Russian were accepted within the framework of Russian literary language. In Pushkin s artistic works, genetically and stylistically heterogeneous linguistic elements are used by the principles of proportionality and conformity. In the early and mid-20th century a functional stylistic system was established in Russian literary language, and now there is a tendency to re-integrate it within the media language. During the Soviet period, media stylistic was one of several functional stylistics of literary language, which had a “media stylistics ⊂ literary language ⊂ Russian” relationship. However, in the post- Soviet period, almost all Russian languages appear in the media, and this can be called a media language. If there is an area within the media language that can be defined as a media stylistic, the “media stylistic ⊂ literary language ⊂ media language” relationship can be established. If the media style is fused to the media language and no longer exists, the relationship will be “literary language ⊂ media language.” The language that leads to popular culture at the center of public communication is called the common language (общий язык), and in modern Russia, the media language plays this role. The Russian media language mediates the common language and the literary language, so the development of Russian literary language in the 21st century will be the history of the correlation between literary language - media language - common language.

1. 머리말

2. 문체와 문체적 의미

3. 러시아표준어 및 문체의 발전 방향: 탈교회슬라브어화, 중문체 확대

4. 러시아어 발달사에서 언어 유형과 문체의 기능적 발전 과정

5. 맺음말

